An East Delhi Citizen's Blog

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Archive for the tag “blogs”

Blogs that promote understanding

Just a very short post, more like a plug if you will for a couple of blogs I discovered recently.

Both are in the online edition of One has been around for a while while the other is just 2 posts old. 

The first one, by Mayank Austen Soofi (reminds you of Amar Akbar Anthony, except that unlike in the movie, this is the same person!) explores interesting aspects of Delhi; its landmarks and people. Been surfing through some past posts and they are just plain brilliant, ranging in topic from Route No 620 to experiences in the walled city. Look out for The Delhiwallah Blog under HT Blogs. Mayank’s great strength is his ability to relate to the subject and broach the most “taboo” topics in a non-threatening manner.

The other one, only 2 posts old but holding out great promise is the one by Zia Haq. Representing the educated, urban Muslim view, this is trying to stimulate a debate about the place of Muslims in Indian society. No holds barred, reasoned and very importantly, not apologetic. Follow this one. It is called, They call me Muslim.

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